RippleMatch Help Center
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Event FAQ's
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Event FAQ's
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Communications with Candidates Using Events
Creating an Event
Promoting your Event
During Your Event
After Your Event
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RippleMatch Help Center
Event FAQ's
Getting started
Employer FAQ's
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Bias Mitigation FAQ
Data and Privacy
Sourcing FAQ's
Reviewing Candidates
Advancing, Holding, or Rejecting Candidates
Tracking Links
Event FAQ's
User Guides
Communications with Candidates Using Events
Creating an Event
Promoting your Event
During Your Event
After Your Event
Communities FAQs
Creating Communities
Using Communities
Campaign Resources
Candidate Center and FAQs
Important Profile Details to Consider
Application Questions
After You Have Applied
General Support Help
Greenhouse Integration
Lever Integration
Workday Integration
Other Integration Articles
Event FAQ's
This section is for Employers and highlights all topics related to the Events Product.
User Guides
How do I use RippleMatch for Events That I am hosting myself (Info Sessions, Virtual Open House, Panels)?
Non-Recruiter Events User Guide for Career Fairs and Conferences
User Guide: How do I use RippleMatch to manage career fairs/conferences I'm attending?
Guide: Event Imports
Where Do I Find My Events Features
Navigating to a Specific Event
How do candidates RSVP to my event?
What information do candidates fill out when they RSVP to my event?
Can only RippleMatch candidates RSVP to my event?
How do candidates check-in to my events? How does RippleMatch track attendance?
When I view attendees for my event, what information will I see?
What analytics can I see about my events?
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Communications with Candidates Using Events
Communicating with Attendees Through the Events Platform
Automated Reminder Emails
Automated Emails for Events for Attendees
How can I invite my event attendees to apply for positions at my company?
Creating an Event
How do I create an event that I am hosting myself?
Setting Up an Event In RippleMatch For a Career Fair Hosted by a College/University
How should I set up an event that is hosted by a third-party (career fair or conference) on RippleMatch so that I can manage and track candidates?
Can there be more than one event owner?
Can I customize the RSVP and event landing page?
Can I customize what questions candidates answer when they RSVP to my event?
What is the difference between a public event and a private event?
How do I build an algorithm for my event?
Deleting an Event
Duplicating an Event That You Have Already Created
Copy and Edit Existing Algorithm
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Promoting your Event
When should I begin marketing my event?
Deciding Where to Share Your Event Tracking Links
Promoting Your Event Through Other Channels
Automated Marketing of Public Events through RippleMatch
How To Use Source to Invite Attendees To An Event
Limiting the Number of RSVPs for Your Event
How can I give candidates on RippleMatch a heads up that I will be at their school for a career fair?
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During Your Event
How to use RippleMatch to record who you meet at your in-person event
Using RippleMatch To Record Whom You Meet at Your Virtual Event
Where to Find Candidates After They Check In
What happens if an attendee who did not RSVP shows up to the event? How do I track their attendance and data?
When I view attendees for my event, what information can I filter by?
Actions You Can Take With Filtered Candidates on Event Management Page
How to Take Notes/Assess Candidates in RippleMatch
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After Your Event
How To Track Which Sources Event RSVPs Come From
Does my role have to be on AutoMatch in order to invite my Event candidates to apply?
Following up With Candidates After an Event