Coming up with a promotional strategy for your upcoming event is key to its success! RippleMatch candidates should be thought of as a way to boost your attendance while focusing on your network for the majority of your attendees will help set your Event up for success.
Tracking Links are what you will use to promote your event across different channels within your network. Tracking Links are individual links that will keep track of where candidates are finding your event from in the RippleMatch Platform. This will be viewable once a candidate RSVPs as well as in your analytics for the event.
When you use Tracking Links; you won't need to ask attendees how they heard about your event- it will automatically be tracked for you within RippleMatch!
We recommend sharing your tracking links to 4-5 different sources of candidates per event, and that you begin sharing them 2-3 weeks before the event itself. Here are some ideas for sources of candidates where you can share your tracking links:
Relationships with schools (i.e., professors, career services)
Clubs or Organizations that you are associated with
Talent pools in your CRM
Candidates in your Communities on RippleMatch
Past interns
Email lists you have collected
For help with sharing tracking links, HERE is some additional information!