How do I use RippleMatch for Events That I am hosting myself (Info Sessions, Virtual Open House, Panels)?

RippleMatch Events Tool is the best way to:

  • create an event

  • promote it to your network

  • invite attendees

  • automate the event reminders

  • manage & track candidates that you meet at the event

  • centralize their data in one location

  • follow up with applications or emails

Your goal for using RippleMatch Events is to check in attendees so you can capture who has attended your session and ultimately hire top talent that you met during your events! You can capture attendance, take notes in real-time, follow up via email, or send candidates specific applications based on their interests and backgrounds.

Click here to skip to the setup guide or read along for more about the Events Platform.

Any event hosted by your company, virtual or in-person, is fully supported by our agile Events product. Using the filters and algorithm you can invite candidates who intentionally align with the target audience of your event in addition to sharing your event using Tracking Links with your network.

RippleMatch Events platform will be a one-stop shop for handling everything before, during, and after your event.

For each event, you can see the quantitative ROI that you will need to bring to your stakeholders. You can understand your candidate attendee base, measure the impact and success of each event, see which events garner diverse candidates, or even which recruiter on the team is most successful at their event.

No longer will you have piles of attendees' resumes, notes tracked across multiple spreadsheets, or follow-up emails that need to be sent to attendees one at a time (many of whom inadvertently fall through the cracks). RippleMatch’s Events Tool will be your central hub for events, candidates, communications, and analytics.

Let's get started with some guides on how to set up your event!