I've submitted an application, now what?

Learn the RippleMatch process and how to review the status of your application

RippleMatch is a service that helps simplify the process of finding and connecting with recruiters. It facilitates the initial communication between you and potential employers. Our goal is to streamline the process and help you make initial contact more efficiently.

Here is what our process looks like:

  1. You apply via RippleMatch
  2. RippleMatch reviews your profile and application for discrepancies then notifies you via email if you need to make any changes
  3. After our team reviews your application we send it over to the recruiter
  4. If the recruiter requires additional information or an assessment, they'll send their request directly to you via email
  5. You and the recruiter take it from there! RippleMatch is here to facilitate the initial connection, the Company should reach out to update you about the next steps.

We'll keep track of all of your applications, and reach out about any important updates. In the meantime, you can check the status of your application through the Roles page. For more information on how your application is tracked, please review this helpful article.

Responses can take anywhere between 2-10+ weeks. We don't have access to the recruiter's schedules or timelines so we can't give you a definitive date when you'll hear back by. You're welcome to contact the recruiter once your application is accepted. Learn how to contact the recruiter here.

If you’re concerned you’re being ghosted by a recruiter, please reach out to our incredible support team at help@ripplematch.com.