Email the recruiter directly if you've been invited to review their contact information
We're here to help you land a job! Our smart algorithm matches your qualifications with the right job openings. Once the recruitment team moves forward with your application, we'll hook you up with the recruiter on our platform. From there, feel free to reach out to them with any questions or to introduce yourself.
To access the recruiter's contact information:
- Sign in to your RippleMatch account and click My Roles at the top center of your dashboard. This will take you to your collection of applications throughout the various hiring stages.
- Click the Connected tab, to view all the recruiters you've connected with.
- Scroll until you find the role title you applied to and click the recruiter's name at the bottom of the role card to copy their email to your clipboard and paste it to your draft email.
You may contact the recruiter as soon as their email becomes available! Remember that recruiters review hundreds of applications and get back to countless emails regularly. It's important to be patient while they do their best to get back to you as quickly as they can!
If you experience any unexpected issues with their contact information, contact our support team at