Icons on the Candidate Card and What They Mean

There are a few different icons/actions you might see while looking at a candidate card of an applicant.

  1. Candidate Source Tag
    Starting at the top left corner, all candidates with the blue "Automatched" tag represent candidates that were automatically sourced for your role using RippleMatch.

    Depending on the source of the candidate, this icon can also say LinkedIn, Handshake, Organic (from your Company Branded Page if the role is Public), etc.

  2. Fit-Score
    To the right of the candidate source tag is the RippleMatch Fit-Score! This number assesses the strength of the candidate based on the Algorithm set up for the role and the candidates' profile. The more they match, the higher the score.

  3. Shuffle
    The next set of icons on the right corner of the candidate card is the "shuffle" icon. Shuffle allows you to switch candidates between roles that you think they would be a better fit for than the one they applied. The candidate will be updated

  4. Notes
    To the right of shuffle, you can view notes about the candidate left from your customer success manager as well as take notes for your organization.

  5. Download
    The last icon on the right allows you to download all candidate documents. Learn more about downloading candidate information here.

  6. Select/Selected
    If you click on the "Select" button it will change to "Selected" and you will be prompted to introduce, reject, or download the documents from that specific candidate. You can select more candidates to take bulk actions.

Below the candidate's name you will see the following information:

  • Their school, graduation year, GPA, degree level, and hyperlinked social media platforms they chose to include.

  • Below that, you will be able to see if a candidate is Work Authorized or if they identify with any Underrepresented groups. To see which groups they identify with, just hover over that icon!