Rising Star Award - 3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies

Rising Star Award
3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies - 2022 Nominees


An award for the up-and-coming talent professionals making their mark on the campus recruiting space.

Danielle Hickman

Danielle Hickman
Jr. Recruiter, TeleSign

Emily Sampson

Emily Sampson
Early Career & University Recruiter, Amplitude

Kathryn Loper

Kathryn Loper
Campus Recruiting Senior Specialist, Credera

Kimmi Schonhorst

Kimmi Schonhorst
Recruitment Manager, Venture For America

Rebecca Kaze

Rebecca Kaze
University Relations Manager, Bohler

Salyna Sek

Salyna Sek
Recruiter, Emerging Talent, Niantic

Samantha Waskow

Samantha Waskow
Recruiter, Telesign

Sarah Evarts

Sarah Evarts
Campus Acquisition Lead, PURE Insurance

Stephanie Levitt

Stephanie Levitt
Campus Recruiting Manager, AlphaSights

Taylor Duryea

Taylor Duryea
Campus & Early Career Talent Strategist, Galloway & Company

Waverly Heurtelou

Waverly Heurtelou
Technical Campus Recruiter, Cockroach Labs

Vote for the winner of the Rising Star Award by voting through the form below! 

Category: 3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies

Congratulations to all of the Nominees for the Rising Star Award, part of RippleMatch's 2022 Campus Recruiting Choice Awards!

Explore all Award categories and this year's standout nominee class by clicking the button below: