Setting Up Your Greenhouse Integration

What functionality is available with the Greenhouse integration and how do I integrate my roles on RippleMatch with my jobs in Greenhouse?

What functionality is available with the Greenhouse integration and how do I integrate my roles on RippleMatch with my jobs in Greenhouse?

  • Candidate Push: this is our base feature which allows candidate data to be pushed from RippleMatch into Greenhouse and may include fields such as include name, email, phone number, resume, portfolio, source, and a link to the candidate's RippleMatch profile

  • EEO Push: candidate's EEO information such as ethnicity, gender, veteran status, and disability status are pushed from RippleMatch into Greenhouse; this feature is optional and can easily be toggled off/on

  • Custom Question Mapping: supplemental questions set up in your Greenhouse req will be imported into RippleMatch, allowing candidates to respond to those supplemental questions when filling out their application on RippleMatch, and push a candidate's responses from RippleMatch into Greenhouse; this feature is optional and can easily be toggled off/on

Integrating Greenhouse

In order to set up your Greenhouse integration, you will need to do four things:

The steps below will walk you through the process necessary to successfully complete your Greenhouse integration.

Step 1: Generating the Harvest API Key

Log in to Greenhouse and navigate to the API Credentials page and click Create New API Key. If you are not already logged into Greenhouse, log it and copy/paste the below URL link into your browser:

Note: if you don't have the necessary permissions to access the API Credentials page, please contact someone at your company who has full developer and administrative permissions on Greenhouse. Ask them to give you the following permissions on Greenhouse: can manage ALL organization's API Credentials.

Enter the following information in the fields listed below then click Manage Permissions.

  • API Type: Harvest

  • Partner (if applicable): RippleMatch

  • Description: RippleMatch

Note: if RippleMatch is not listed under Partner, leave this field blank

Save this Harvest API Key for a future step. Once this has been saved, click on I have stored the API Key.

Enable the below permissions by checking the boxes next to the subsequent permission name. Then click Save.

  • Applications

    • Post: Reject Application

    • Post: Add Attachment to Application

    • Post: Move Application

    • Patch: Update a Rejected Application's Rejected Reason

    • Patch: Update Application

    • Get: List Applications

    • Get: Retrieve Application

  • Candidates

    • Get: Retrieve Candidate

    • Get: List Candidates

    • Patch: Edit Candidate

    • Post: Add Candidate

    • Post: Add Note

    • Put: Merge Two Candidates

    • Post: Add Education

    • Delete: Delete Education

    • Post: Add Employment

    • Delete: Delete Employment

    • Post: Add Email

    • Post: Add Prospect

  • Jobs

    • Get: Retrieve Job

    • Get: List Jobs

  • Job Posts

    • Get: Retrieve Job Posts for Job

    • Get: List Job Posts for Job

  • Job Stages

    • Get: Retrieve Job Stage

    • Get: List Job Stages

    • Get: List Job Stages for Job

  • Users

    • Get: Retrieve User

    • Get: List Users

  • Sources

    • Get: List Sources

  • Rejection Reasons

    • Get: List Rejection Reasons

  • Custom Fields

    • Get: Get custom fields

    • Post: Create custom fields

    • Patch: Update custom field

    • Delete: Delete custom field

  • Custom Field Options

    • Get: Custom field options

    • Post: Create custom field options

    • Delete: Remove custom field options

    • Patch: Update custom field options

  • Tags

    • Post: Add new candidate tags

    • Put: Add a candidate tag

Step 2: Generating the Job Board API

Note: You will only need to complete Step 2 if you want to enable either the EEO Push or the Custom Question Mapping features. If you do not want to enable either of these features, you can skip to Step 3.

Click on Create New API Key again.

Enter the following information in the fields listed below then click Create.

  • API Type: Job Board

  • Description: RippleMatchJobBoard

Save this Job Board API Key for a future step. Once this has been saved, click on I have stored the API Key.

Next, you will need to gather your Job Board Token. Navigate to Settings then Job Boards. Then, click the 3 dots next to the Board Name which contains all of your relevant roles and click View Live.

Copy and save the Job Board Token found in the URL. The Job Board Token will be the text following .com/ . Please ensure that the entire Job Board Token is captured.

Step 3: Gathering Your Job IDs

While you're in Greenhouse, click on All Jobs. Select one of your active roles.

Copy and save the Job ID found in the URL. The Job ID will be the series of numbers at the end of the URL link. Please ensure that the entire Job ID is captured. Repeat Step 2 for each of your active roles. Save all of the the Job IDs for a future step.

Step 4: Integrate with RippleMatch

Log in to RippleMatch. Click the menu on the top right-hand corner. Click Integrations. Click Sync Account next to the Greenhouse logo.

Paste the Harvest API Key generated from Step 1.

Note: If you want to sync a candidate's EEO data into your ATS, you will need to toggle on Add Job Boards. Then, input the Job Board API Key and Job Board Token found in Step 2. If you do not want to include EEO data, leave this toggle off.

Click Save and Continue.

Select a user from the drop down menu. Click Save and Continue.

Note: You will want to select a user that has either Job Admin or Web Admin. If users' names are not populating, you can search by email.

Map the Roles on RippleMatch to your Roles in Greenhouse using the Job IDs found in Step 3. Then click Submit.

Once you've completed these steps or need further assistance, please reach out to either your CSM or Solutions Architect.