How do I update my password?

Use one of two methods to update your password

Your password may be updated from your account settings, or by a password reset link delivered to your inbox. 


To update your password from your account settings:

  1. Click the three lines at the top right corner of your dashboard 
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click the Security tab at the top of the settings page 
  4. Confirm your old password, type in a new password, and confirm your new password
  5. Save your update by clicking Save Preferences 

update password


If you're unable to log in to your account to update your password, request a password reset link by: 

  • clicking the 'Forgot your password' link at the bottom of the sign-in page
  • type your email in the prompt and click the 'Email reset link' button
  • open the reset password link delivered to your email inbox
  • create a new password and confirm it 
  • click 'Set new password'