RISING STAR - Winner - 3-5 Years Work Experience, Large Companies - Treyce Simmons


RISING STAR - Winner - 3-5 Years Work Experience, Large Companies - Treyce Simmons-1



Treyce Simmons
Early Careers Partner

Treyce Simmons is an Early Careers Partner at Navy Federal Credit Union. He is responsible for recruiting year-round and summer interns for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), business, and operations roles. Treyce partners with our hiring managers to advise them on the importance of converting eligible interns to full-time roles.
Outside of his recruitment role, he is responsible for managing and coordinating our award-winning internship program. As a former intern, Treyce fully understands the importance of early-career talent, acts as an ambassador for Navy Federal’s program, and is a passionate mentor and advocate for our interns.

Career Highlight

Regarding retention, Treyce facilitates quarterly career development events with our interns, including resume and interview sessions. Treyce has helped to enhance the 2022 Summer Intern program by spearheading Navy Federal's inaugural innovation competition. Treyce hosts events with diversity STEM student organizations from multiple universities and programs, such as NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and SHPE (National Society of Hispanic Engineers), to connect and recruit students from underrepresented communities and institutions. He was instrumental in Navy Federal’s participation in the 2021 Grace Hopper Conference for the first time in Navy Federal history. He is leading these initiatives again in 2022.

Congratulations to Treyce Simmons for placing as the winner of the Rising Star Award in the category of 3-5 Years Work Experience, Large Companies!

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