
Careers in Engineering

What opportunities exist for engineers today?

There are plenty of internships and full-time opportunities for students and recent grads who want to work as mechanical, electrical, chemical engineers and more, across almost every industry. From farming and healthcare to cybersecurity and national defense, companies big and small need engineers to power their businesses and bring them into the future.

What factors should engineers consider when job hunting?

With opportunities across industries and company-types,  budding engineers searching for internships and jobs should consider what field they are most interested in building their career in, as well as what type of work they hope to be doing. What types of products do they want to be working on? What type of team do they want to work with? How much does a company’s mission matter to them? Plus, if you’re looking for extensive training in your first role, you’ll also want to consider how much of an onboarding process a company offers, and what professional development opportunities are available for you there. 

As you weigh your options for employment, it's critical to understand what is most important to you. This could be related to company size, work location, schedule flexibility, salary, benefits, and other perks the company may offer..

What can you expect in an engineering internship or full-time role?

Engineering opportunities vary greatly, but across the board you’ll be expected to apply the hard skills you’ve acquired until now on the job, while receiving training in companies’ unique systems and processes. You can also expect to learn a lot about your specific field within engineering during your program or while on the job at your full-time role, have opportunities for networking with other science-minded individuals, and potentially be paired with a mentor from senior staff. Depending on your specialty, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of engineering, how you can support the growth of a product or entire business through your work, and how you can further develop your skills and advance in your career.

Hear directly from companies hiring for this role below!

Companies hiring for Engineering roles

Click the circles below to visit each company's careers page on RippleMatch, and apply directly to opportunities that interest you!

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