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Build Your Early Career Program of the Future

Source, sort and win top talent effortlessly in 2024.

In the near future you'll save costs, automate admin work, and amplify human connections at scale. Soon, maximizing ROI on every activity won't feel so mystical.

Your Future is waiting...

How are TA Leaders transforming a vision of an optimized hiring funnel & budget into reality?

Prioritizing people. Assisted with AI.

Allow your team to get back to what they do best – winning over emerging talent. With RippleMatch's AI-powered platform, recruiters quickly identify best-fit talent from candidate match scores. Now recruiters can spend less time on reviewing waves of resumes, and prioritize the human side of recruiting.

Lean teams. Transcendent results.

Resilient recruiting teams have done their best to do more with less. But by using traditional tools & tactics, achieving hiring and diversity goals has become harder than ever. By centralizing all early career candidates and activities in RippleMatch, teams are now re-investing their limited budget in the smartest way possible. Time to scale top efforts and see the biggest impact on your team's time, every event, and each dollar of department spend.

Pricey premiums left in your past.

For a long time, campus job board's have been a necessary evil. But their rising prices are stretching already thin budgets, thinner. Now's the best time to move on from high stake premiums for a more powerful, cost-effective replacement. With RippleMatch, we'll source candidates for you with zero work required, group your entire emerging talent pipeline centrally and short-list your top matches for a clairvoyance into your future workforce. 

Katelyn Peker, Director of Global Early Talent, MongoDB

Katelyn Peker

Director of Global Early Talent, MongoDB

Having the right technology to scale your team’s efforts is key. By partnering with RippleMatch, we easily source qualified talent, elevate our events strategy & streamline our applicant review process across the board. 

What's in store for your Emerging Talent future? 

Your future reflects: Empowerment, Guidance, Focus, Control

Guardian of Time and Talent

Save your team valuable time with automation.

Help your team spend 70% less time on resume review. With RippleMatch's AI-powered platform, campus recruiters can once again focus on the high-impact work they were destined for – like building relationships, evaluating fits and winning candidates over.

Unveil The Magic >

Your future reflects: Awakening, Ignition, Activation, Illumination

Alchemist of Cold Candidates 

Turn cold candidates into warm leads automatically.

Cold outreach and spammy job board blasts have left candidates frozen in their tracks. By using RippleMatch's smart and scalable matching, you'll automatically transform qualified cold candidates into engaged and interested leads. Applicant's you'll get from our network have a 92% response rate, compared to 3% on traditional job boards. 

Cast Your Future >

Your future reflects: Navigation, Harvest, Amplification, Omnipresence

Emissary of Unforgettable Events

Take all events in your playbook to greater heights.

Online, On-Campus or Hybrid. No stage too big. No event too grand.

Start achieving greater results on your event strategy. With channel analytics, RippleMatch helps you unlock true success of your events, and helps you boost your success even further for all campuses you visit.

And learn the secret of being multiple places at once. Expand reach further and gain new employer exposure at campuses you won't set foot on.

Wield Your Power >

Your future reflects: Enchantment, Magnetism, Delight, Attract

Master of Magical Experiences

Wow top talent with magical candidate experiences.

RippleMatch is a better experience for candidates, too. On our platform, opportunity comes directly to them, and they only get matched with opportunities they are qualified for and that fit their interests, leading to a much smoother and easier job search process. As a result, 90% of Gen Z candidates believe RippleMatch is a better experience than any other job platforms. 

An experience that will have them forever spellbound to your employer brand.

Glimpse Beyond >


Brendan Hack, Campus Recruitment Manager, Alter Domus

Brendan Hack

Campus Recruitment Manager, Alter Domus

RippleMatch is like having another recruiter. It reinforces our brand and gives us legitimacy and awareness.

RippleMatch Helps Top Teams Hire Their Future

2024 Guide

AI in TA: Navigating a New Wave of Technology in a Human-Centric Profession

AI has been increasingly hard to ignore in the professional setting, especially for an industry that prides itself on thoughtful human interactions.

Read our guide to learn how TA teams can navigate this new wave of technology, and discover how embracing AI allows recruiters to go back to their roots – providing more human-first approaches to win top talent.

AI in TA Guide

One place for all your emerging talent.

By centralizing applicants from all your channels, RippleMatch makes life easy for campus teams. And with AI-powered candidate scores, recruiters can easily give top talent, top priority.

Leave all those job board logins in the past...

And look into the future >

Centralize applications from anywhere
All applicants, in one place.

Personalized Demo

Your future is waiting... Ready for a closer look?

Discover the magic of RippleMatch's centralized early talent platform now. With automated sourcing & candidate scoring, it's never been easier to recruit top talent.

Let us guide you into the future...

State of Gen Z Job Search

The State of the Gen Z Job Search

Read our report to discover exclusive data and insights into Gen Z candidates to inform your early career recruitment strategies and help you craft a candidate experience fit for the newest entrants to the workforce.

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Response Time

Why a Quick Application Response Time Is Essential

In today’s competitive recruitment landscape, a quick application response time is an indispensable tool for employers looking to attract and retain top talent.

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Losing Confidence

Gen Z Is Losing Confidence in the Job Search in 2023

To get a sense for how internship and entry-level job candidates are perceiving today’s market, we surveyed more than 3,000 Gen Z students and new grads.

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