RISING STAR - Winner - 3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies - Waverly Heurtelou


RISING STAR - Winner - 3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies - Waverly Heurtelou-1



Waverly Heurtelou
Technical Campus Recruiter

Waverly Heurtelou is a Technical Campus Recruiter at Cockroach Labs and leads recruiting Software Engineering Interns, Apprentices, and New grads. Additionally, Waverly is responsible for maintaining partnerships with nonprofits and organizations to diversify the company, and plans and executes the Internship program. Prior to her role at Cockroach Labs, she was at Cruise where she recruited for Software Engineering and Non-Technical Interns and New Grads. Waverly is passionate about building connections with students and making sure they're making the best move for their careers, in addition to breaking down the barrier of entry into the Tech industry for Women and Black and Brown individuals.

Career Highlight

In a highly saturated virtual event time in 2020-2021, Waverly knew she had to think outside of the box for events. Events needed to be engaging and beneficial for students. That being said, she crafted a series of events that brought together Women and Black and Brown students worldwide, which was the first of its kind at Cockroach Labs. These events ranged from 'How to Level up in your career', 'How to stand out in the interview process', 'Being a person of color in tech', and 'Exploring Careers within Tech'.

The 'Exploring Careers within Tech' event was in partnership with HBCU 20x20 which is an organization that focuses on connecting HBCU students with companies. In this event, they were recognized for having a Black women-led panel and being transparent in all of their answers.

Congratulations to Waverly Heurtelou for placing as the winner of the Rising Star Award in the category of 3-5 Years Work Experience, Small Companies!

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