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RippleMatch, URx & CodeSignal
Rethinking Tech Recruitment: How to Identify Untapped Talent Using Skills Evaluations

Tuesday, November 1st, 2:00pm - 3:00pm ET

Technology hiring managers are particular about “where” their talent should come from, whether that’s the Ivy League, top tech schools like MIT or Stevens, or even just a handful of core schools with alumni at the organization. 

Mid-season, or during the “second wave” of hires, is when many recruiters begin to struggle to find strong talent that has not already accepted an internship or entry level role. Instead of continuing to repeat the same actions with diminishing returns, it is beneficial to use assessments to expand your pool of talent and bring in more skilled and diverse people. Using interview and assessment tools like CodeSignal can help find untapped talent with the right skill set for hard-to-hire tech roles–and we want to share how you can use these tools to your advantage.

Join RippleMatch, CodeSignal, and a pro user of both tools to discuss how to approach your “second wave” of recruitment with new, creative strategies.


Access Recording and Webinar Slides

Rethinking Tech Recruitment: What To Expect!

RippleMatch, URx and CodeSignal are hosting this Panel & Discussion to provide a space for college recruiting professionals to discuss the benefits of using virtual assessments to identify untapped tech talent. Here's an example of the session structure:

2:00 - 2:05pm - Welcome 
2:05 - 2:15pm - CodeSignal Insights
2:15 - 2:35pm - Panel Discussion with Speaker
2:35 - 2:55pm - Q&A Discussion 
2:55pm - Close