Tracy Mendygral


Tracy Mendygral

1,001 - 5,000 EMPLOYEES


Tracy Mendygral
Senior Recruiting Manager, McMaster-Carr

Tracy Mendygral is a Senior Recruiting Manager at McMaster-Carr. She is responsible for recruiting early career candidates for software engineering and general management roles. Prior to working at McMaster-Carr, Tracy worked as a change management and process improvement consultant at Deloitte. She is passionate about matching peoples' interests to opportunities, creating a candidate-centric recruiting process and fostering learning among teammates in recruiting.

Career Highlight

Tracy and several colleagues were tasked with designing an internship to attract and retain talented under-represented minority students for management paths at McMaster-Carr. They imagined an intern-centric program that fostered belonging, offered development and created opportunities to make a real impact. Meaningful investment and engagement from company leadership and a thoughtful curriculum and implementation allowed the program to expand by more than 500%, transition seamlessly to a virtual experience and garner favorable reviews from company management and students alike.

Vote for Tracy as the winner of the Exceptional Leader Award by voting through the form below! 

Category: Engineering, Logistics, Hardware, and Construction

Congratulations to Tracy Mendygral for being nominated for the Exceptional Leader Award, part of RippleMatch's 2021 Campus Recruiting Choice Awards!

Explore all Award categories and this year's standout nominee class by clicking the button below: