004 RippleMatch Customer Story

RippleMatch Customer Story: How Zillow's Early Career Team Builds Sustainable DE&I Strategies in an Ever-changing Landscape

How can talent teams respond to changing business needs while remaining committed to their long-term strategy?
In this session, we're shining a spotlight on how one of our customers has built a lasting strategy that prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion in early career hiring, regardless of how their overall business needs evolve.
Join Makeda Hope-Crichlow, Manager, Programs - Early & Emerging Talent Recruiting at Zillow, as she walks attendees through the pillars of her team's DE&I strategy, including leveraging data insights, forming lasting external partnerships, and securing continued leadership support. In this session, attendees will learn how to craft a strategy that is adaptable to the changing landscape, yet steadfast to its foundational goals. 

Watch the replay below!

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