Career Catalyst Award, Gen Z Advocate - 2nd Place Winner - Natalie Chwalk-1
Career Catalyst Award, Gen Z Advocate - 2nd Place Winner - Natalie Chwalk

Natalie Chwalk
Lead Program Manager, Early Talent


Natalie Chwalk has built her professional career around pillars of curiosity, authenticity, and connection. As the Lead Program Manager of Early Talent at MongoDB, she’s driven by designing and implementing global initiatives that empower and nurture diverse talent. Natalie holds degrees in Human Resource Management, Organizational Leadership, and Labor Studies from Rutgers University New Brunswick. As a certified Mental Health First Aider, one of her primary missions is to instill a holistic and empathetic approach within her workplace. Outside of work, Natalie enjoys hot yoga, attending live concerts, and capturing cherished moments through photography.

Career Highlight

"For our intern candidates, our team creates tailored interview prep materials, including a unique 'pre-interview' meditation to boost their confidence. Since 2020, we've offered a guided meditation led by one of our recruiters specifically for pre-interview nerves, which many candidates find incredibly calming and effective. Interns frequently express how unique and beneficial they find this approach. This holistic method not only helps them feel more prepared but also significantly improves their performance and overall job search experience. The Bridge Building Program is an Employee Resource Group (ERG) mentorship initiative designed to facilitate connections and support between employees and interns within MongoDB. This program pairs interns with experienced mentors who guide them through their internship experience, offering valuable insights, advice, and support. Through one-on-one mentorship meetings, group activities, and networking events, participants have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships, develop professional skills, and integrate seamlessly into the MongoDB community. We're excited to announce that program participation has scaled effectively with the growth of our intern class (60% YoY), demonstrating its continued value and attractiveness year over year. The program aims to foster a sense of belonging, provide valuable career development opportunities, and enhance the overall internship experience for participants. Our wellness program for early talent, Bloom for Interns, achieved an impressive 86% global participation rate among the cohort in its inaugural year. Given that 45% of Gen Z adults have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, we're proud to announce that this year's Bloom for Interns will offer access to free therapy and mental health resources to our US-based interns through Spring Health. Additionally, this year we extended our efforts by certifying our EMEA-based team in Mental Health First Aid, ensuring comprehensive support for our interns' well-being and reinforcing our commitment to mental health support."

Congratulations to Natalie Chwalk for placing as the 2nd place winner of the Career Catalyst Award in the category of Gen Z Advocate!

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