EXCEPTIONAL LEADER - Winner - B2B Technology - Lauren Terrill


EXCEPTIONAL LEADER - Winner - B2B Technology - Lauren Terrill-1



Lauren Terrill
Director, Talent Acquisition - University Relations, Diversity and Growth Recruitment

Lauren Terrill is a Director, of Talent Acquisition at Lumen. One of Lauren’s leadership focus areas is Lumen’s internship program, a career readiness pathway for early career individuals to impact and innovate in Lumen business areas. Prior to her role at Lumen, Lauren worked in early career talent attraction, supporting student programs for a leading healthcare organization. Lauren has spent over 15 years in the university relations space. She stays passionate about this space because it inspires and challenges her to be a thought-leader, knowing the influence she can have on a student's or new graduate’s career journey.

Career Highlight

Lauren was tasked with elevating Lumen's internship program to provide interns with an exceptional summer experience. The pandemic quickly challenged Lauren to rethink how Lumen delivered its intern program model; keeping the interns' experience at the forefront of all decisions she and the team made in planning the summer. The virtual environment allowed Lauren to develop a robust summer program that was more, inclusive, promoted cross-functional collaboration, and fostered innovation and fun! This netted Lauren a 99% satisfaction rating from the summer interns.

Congratulations to Lauren Terrill for placing as the winner of the Exceptional Leader Award in the category of B2B Technology!

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