CAREER CATALYST - Excellence in Recruiting Operations and Efficiency - Kaleigh Burns-1
CAREER CATALYST - Excellence in Recruiting Operations and Efficiency - Kaleigh Burns

Kaleigh Burns
Talent Acquisition & Operations Manager
Ace Hardware Corporation


Kaleigh Burns is a Talent Acquisition & Operations Manager at Ace Hardware Corporation. At Ace Hardware, Kaleigh assumes responsibility for formulating and executing comprehensive recruitment strategies, pinpointing talent gaps, and introducing innovative solutions to attract top-notch candidates. Employing a proactive approach, Kaleigh maintains close collaboration with stakeholders, senior leadership, HR associates, and her team of skilled recruiters to advance effective talent acquisition endeavors. While Kaleigh takes great pleasure in assisting candidates and recruiting top-tier talent for Ace Hardware, her paramount passion lies in the recruitment process itself. She's all about highlighting how recruitment goes way beyond just looking at resumes. Kaleigh pushes for a careful matching process, making sure candidates are a perfect fit for what hiring managers need for their team outside of just their hands-on experience. This emphasis on alignment fosters enduring professional relationships, ultimately contributing to a reduction in turnover rates.

Career Highlight

"To enhance our recruiting process, I advocate for a holistic approach. By immersing ourselves in all facets of the business, we gain valuable insights into hiring needs and company culture. I propose a proactive stance, volunteering to tackle challenging roles to fill head-on. I'm assisting in implementing a recruiting AI assistant (powered by Paradox) to streamline administrative tasks, empowering recruiters to focus on strategic initiatives. Moreover, I suggest a comprehensive review of our recruitment workflows to optimize efficiency and ROI. Through these efforts, we aim to not only secure top talent but also foster employee satisfaction and strengthen relationships with hiring managers."

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Congratulations to Kaleigh for being nominated for the Career Catalyst Award, Excellence in Recruiting Operations & Efficiency, part of RippleMatch's 2024 Recruiting Choice Awards!

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