Monday, September 28th | 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

Panel Replay: How to Identify and Remove Barriers to Diversity from Your College Recruitment Process

College recruitment teams know how important it is to curate diverse pipelines. But sometimes, barriers to diversity – such as archaic role requirements or biased assessments – make their way into the hiring process, limiting the talent pool and unintentionally creating an uneven playing field.

In this Talent Talk, we'll hear from three D&I leaders in the campus recruitment space as they share their top insights on how to make college recruitment more inclusive, from leveraging data to identify areas for improvement, to practical tips for implementing better processes. RSVP to tune in as we discuss these important topics for the hiring season ahead.

Watch the Panel Replay

Meet the panelists:

Group 295 (1)
Group 296 (1)
Group 297 (1)

About RippleMatch Talent Talks

This panel is a part of RippleMatch Talent Talks, a series of monthly panels & conversations with leaders in talent acquisition and university recruiting. Through these focused, moderated discussions, we identify actionable takeaways and valuable lessons that attendees can apply directly to their university recruitment and talent strategies.