Talent Innovator Award, Gen Z Advocate - 3rd Place Winner - Holland Pierce-1
Talent Innovator Award, Gen Z Advocate - 3rd Place Winner - Holland Pierce

Holland Pierce
Human Resources Business Partner
Olin Corporation


As an HR Business Partner at Olin Corporation, Holland Pierce is dedicated to cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace while spearheading the college recruiting program. With a background as a former intern within the program, Holland brings firsthand experience and understanding of the journey from student to professional. In her role, Holland oversees all aspects of campus recruiting activities, from building relationships with universities nationwide to managing a robust internship/co-op program. Her proactive approach includes implementing mentorship initiatives and networking opportunities, resulting in high conversion rates of interns to full-time hires, driving Olin towards a more diverse and talented future.

Career Highlight

"As a Gen Z member myself, I intimately understand the unique needs and aspirations of our generation. In my role at Olin Corporation, I leverage this firsthand insight to tailor recruiting initiatives that resonate with Gen Z candidates. By empathizing with their preferences, values, and digital fluency, I ensure our recruitment efforts are authentic, engaging, and relevant. By bridging the gap between our company and Gen Z candidates, I'm not just recruiting talent – I'm fostering a community that reflects our shared experiences and ambitions."

Congratulations to Holland Pierce for placing as the 3rd place winner of the Talent Innovator Award in the category of Gen Z Advocate!

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