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Gen Z Speaks:

Diversity & Inclusion: What the Next Generation of Talent Needs to See from Executive Leadership

November 9th, 2:00pm - 3:00 pm ET

In our second #GenZSpeaks panel, we're focusing on one of the most important priorities Gen Z has when selecting their next workplace–a genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Executive leaders are often leading the charge in D&I efforts, but how do they know that their strategies are effective and recognized by early career candidates?
In our most recent Pulse Survey, we uncovered how different demographics of Gen Z view value:
  • An inclusive culture
  • Diverse interview panels and an accommodating, flexible process
  • Professional development programming
  • And many other other equity markers
..and now, we're ready to hear straight from the students!

Sign up to hear what the most diverse generation of workers thinks about different aspects of D&I, and learn how you can improve your talent strategy to ensure an ethical workplace.

Fill out this form to access the panel replay

Panel Discussion: What To Expect!

RippleMatch is hosting this panel discussion to pass Gen Z the mic and learn how we can be more effective DEI advocates.

Attendee welcome, panelist introductions | 2:00 pm - 2:10 pm

As everyone gets signed on to the Zoom webinar, our hosts will give a brief welcome & introduction and give each panelist the chance to introduce themselves. 

Prepared questions will be answered by the panelists  | 2:10pm - 2:40pm 

Panelists will answer prepared questions about Gen Z's expectations when it comes to diversity & inclusion.

Panel will open for Q&A | 2:40 pm - 2:55 pm 

Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions for our panelists via the Q&A box during the live event.

Session wrap-up  | 2:55 - 3:00 pm

Following the panel, we'll share some of the biggest learnings during our discussion, as well as the LinkedIn profiles and contact information for our panelists!

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the information to sign on to the Zoom webinar!